Prolonged wait for elective surgeries in Govt hospitals many a times turn into emergencies and the patient has to go to private hospitals where cost needs no mention
On one hand unemployment among Doctors is burgeoning and other hand, vacancies are too glaring to be ignored. The routine scuffle between Doctors and attendants is also fallout of shortage of staff
As per RTI disclosure, in Kashmir division, out of total sanctioned strength of 1467 Medical Officers, 1395 are in place and 72 are vacant. In Jammu division, sanctioned strength of Medical Officers is 1390, 726 are in position and 664 are vacant which is gross injustice with Jammu Division
TR Shastri
Jammu, jul 31
A saying goes that behind every fine Doctor, there is always a Nurse.The shortage of Doctors and paramedics in Jammu Province in particular is a chronic Issue. In a significant move, the DB has issued directions to government to indicate steps taken to fill up the vacancies. The paucity of Doctors and other staff in Institutions dealing with essential Services is a matter of serious concern.It appears that the government has learnt no lessons from Corona pandemic. Entire health care infrastructure was paralysed and crumbled .This was one of the major contributors for large scale deaths.The shortage was acutely felt.The Junior Doctors were overworked and exhausted.Their duties extended by many hours in view of shortfalls. It was expected that due cognizance will be taken and issue will be addressed on priority. But with the receding Corona threat, the priority also receded to background. The government has become complacent and nonchalant .
The shortage affects the daily delivery of services by staff in Medical and health Institutions. A visit to government medical college Jammu as patient or attendant will let one face the enormity of situation. It needs not to explain that a patient reluctantly prefers government health institutions in case of medical emergency or his un affordability. The prolonged wait for elective Surgeries many a times turn into emergencies and the patient has to go to Private hospitals where the cost needs no mention.
It is ironical that on the one hand the unemployment among Doctors is burgeoning and the other hand, the vacancies are too glaring to be ignored. The routine scuffle between Doctors and Attendants is also a fallout of shortage of staff. We cannot always expect decent behaviour and alacrity from an exhausted staff. The PIL is based on information received through RTI that there is shortage of sixty to seventy percent of Doctors and paramedics in several districts of Jammu province.The status in Kashmir is far better in comparison with Jammu which further reveals the disparity and step motherly treatment with Jammu irrespective of who rules. Since the RTI was limited to the department of Health and medical education only ,so the position of other departments is not readily available. Given the shortage of staff in an Institution like health, the vacancies in other departments in Jammu province can be easily presumed. It’s cruel joke with vast army of un employed. As per RTI disclosure,in Kashmir division,out of total sanctioned strength of 1467 medical officers,1395 are in place and 72 are vacant. In Jammu division,sanctioned strength of Medical officers is 1390, 726 are in position and 664 are vacant- a gross injustice with Jammu Division.The position of far flung Districts is a matter of further concern. It is hoped that the Directions of honourable court will fill the gap and patients shall get desired treatment in time.
- JMC enforcement staff after shaking hands with owner allows restart of three unauthorized big size commercial shops at residential plot 29-C, Shastri Nagar, Ward-22 on 19-2-2025 which remained stopped for sometime after aggrieved locals opposed commercial construction and print media highlighted violated construction along with pictures making land use change without getting site plan approved from JMC which can’t be done plot being bifurcated
- Residents of Channi Himmat strongly resent Commissioner JMC seeking NOC from J&K Housing Board to establish Rehri Zone at existing Parking site of Channi Himmat main Shamshan Ghat constructed at estimated cost of Rs 78 lacs over Thangar Nallah drain urging both JMC and Housing Board to drop idea in larger interests of Channi Himmat residents and those attend cremations
- JMC finally serves sealing order under JMC Act 2000 to owner of private land falling under Khasra No. 477 Min in Sector-3, Ward-51,old village Channi Himmat when four floors violated structure making 66.37% violations on each floor already completed and husband of owner Dr Rajeev started running Day Care Medical Centre by covering 750 Sqft against owned 644 Sqft without maintaining setbacks and public parking within premises against JMP-2032 and Unified Building Bye-laws 2021
- Forest fire rages on at shrine board from last one month, no accountability
- JMC’s sealing & de-sealing orders to owner of residential plot 274/3,Ward-50, Channi Himmat proved counter-productive for owner as full-fledged commercial hall after removing partition walls of existing ground floor still intact despite undertaking submitted by owner to construct brick walls partition but constructing plywood partitions to hoodwink JMC authorities
- JMC serves owner eyewash de-sealing order without mentioning actual violations to owner of residential plot 328/4 , Ward-50 Channi Himmat for raising violated full-fledged commercial ground floor plus three floors against permitted ground plus two floors without maintaining setbacks, height against JMP-2032 and Unified Building Bye-laws 2021 when construction going on from last ten months and now reaches finishing level
- JMC approves commercial site plan allowing owner to cover 100% plot area in construction of commercial basement for storage & utility and commercial ground floor without mentioning their height not mandating to maintain setbacks at JDA’s commercial site No.5 Phase-II commercial complex Fruit Market, Narwal Fruit Mandi Jammu, Ward-49 adjoining with Head Branch of J&K Grameen Bank against JMP-2032/Unified Building Bye-laws 2021
- JMC unmoved towards unauthorized running of children play centre in both first and 2nd floors and a restaurant cum canteen in the third floor of residential plot 649/3 on main road of Channi Himmat Housing Board Colony even when J&K Housing Board endorsed three letters to Commissioner JMC to act against owner for running commercial activities from residential plot by making sheer breach of lease deed and also against JMP-2032 and Unified Building Bye-laws 2021