Arun Nayar was promoted as Enforcement Inspector by the DPC held in the year 2022 as per recruitment rules of 1970 on the same analogy where other most Senior Sanitary Inspectors like Sanjay Trishal, Sanjay Gandotra, Gagan Kumar, Sabar Hussain, Shah Nawaz etc. were promoted as Enforcement Inspector. No one other than Arun Nayar was reverted back even on their several request and representations then why only this biased and favorable decision is taken by then Commissioner, JMC Rahul Yadav and supported by present Joint Commissioner (Adam) Krishan Lal
Arun Nayar is the most junior fellow and cannot be adjusted directly as ASO by breaching all the rules and by-passing all the senior officials. He is just 12th pass but already given 04 promotions in his shortest service span of 10-12 years whereas many of his seniors were not given 01 promotion. Also as per Govt. promotion rules one official is entitled for 03 promotions in his service span then what qualities he is having which forces the Commissioner, JMC and present Joint Commissioner Administration to issue such an unethical promotion order in a hurry
jammu, nov 25
Commissioner Jammu Municipal Corporation, Rahul Yadav and Joint Commissioner (Adm) Krishan Lal issued illegal and unconstitutional promotion order vide No. JMC/Estt./3432-37 dated 16.08.2024 in lieu of lucrative incentives from Arun Nayar , Sanitary Inspector of Jammu Municipal Corporation even after his transfer on 15.08.2024 by J&K GAD vide Order No. 1504-JK(GAD) of 2024 which is evident from handing over and taking over charge on 16-8-2024 vide No. JMC/Estt/S/195-206 wherein outgoing Commissioner JMC Rahul Yadav handed over charge of Commissioner JMC to incoming Commissioner JMC Dr Devansh Yadav in the afternoon of 16-8-2024. The whole corrupt scenario was created and manipulated to give undue favors to Sh. Arun Nayar for the reasons well known to these two officers abusing their official position and powers to promote nepotism and favoritism. In that particular order of Sh. Arun Nayar , it is written that “In pursuance to the decision of DPC meeting held on 08.08.2024, the previous order of Arun Nayar as Enforcement Inspector is hereby revoked and he is promoted as Assistant Sanitation Officer against the available vacancy in the pay l evel 6F (40800-129200) with immediate effect”. Whereas, there is no such information regarding such DPC is even available in the establishment section of JMC. No employees of JMC is having knowledge of that DPC but if by-chance it is conducted then why it is conducted in such a closed and the secret way. Commissioner, JMC is not competent to issue such an promotion order at it’s own without the approval of administrative department. Such a promotion order was deliberately hidden which is evident from the fact that when a RTI application was filed dated 10-8-2024 seeking list of all the cadre/wing wise promotion orders copies of DPC from 1994-2024 and also information about vacant posts in JMC as on date but concerned PIOs didn’t provide information in this regard despite charging information seeker Rs 314 on account of Photostat charges for asked information vide GR No. 2675 dated 4-10-2024.As per the recent order of J&K H&UDD regarding constitution of DPC committee, one of the member from the administrative department is mandatory and the minutes of DPC meeting must be signed by all the members and approved by the Administrative department.
It is pertinent to mention here that after the reorganization of JMC recruitment / promotion rules of 1970 were scraped and the new recruitment rules are not yet notified then on what basis then Commissioner, JMC issued such an illegal promotion order in favor of Sh. Arun Nayar. One Million Doller Question arises here that what factors or circumstances pressurizes Commissioner, JMC to issue such an huge illegal promotion order after his transfer on 15.08.2024. This order creates seniority issues and resentment among the senior officers of Health Wing of JMC who are much senior than Sh. Arun Nayar but are still working as Sanitary Inspectors / Enforcement Inspector. Sh. Arun Nayar was promoted as Enforcement Inspector by the DPC held in the year 2022 as per recruitment rules of 1970 on the same analogy where the other most Senior Sanitary Inspectors like Sanjay Trishal, Sanjay Gandotra, Gagan Kumar, Sabar Hussain, Shah Nawaz etc. were promoted as Enforcement Inspector. The rule of 1970 on the basis of which other senior sanitary Inspectors were promoted as Enforcement inspector stated that 50% of promotion shall be given from Health & Sanitation wing i.e. Sanitary Inspector. No one other than Arun Nayar was reverted back even on their several request and representations then why only this biased and favorable decision is taken by then Commissioner, JMC Rahul Yadav and supported by present Joint Commissioner Administration Krishan Lal . If Arun Nayar can be reverted back and posted as ASO , then why not other senior most Sanitary Inspectors can be reverted back as Sanitation Officers. Arun Nayar is the most junior fellow and cannot be adjusted directly as ASO by breaching all the rules and by-passing all the senior officials. He is just 12th pass but already given 04 promotions in his shortest service span of 10-12 years whereas many of his seniors were not given 01 promotion. Also as per Govt. promotion rules one official is entitled for 03 promotions in his service span then what qualities he is having which forces the Commissioner, JMC and present Joint Commissioner Administration to issue such an unethical promotion order in a hurry.
This order is completely illegal, unconstitutional and issued with the malafied intentions which clearly shows by seeing the timing of its issuance. Rahul Yadav after his transfer on 15.08.2024 issued such a big revocation and promotion order on 16.08.2024 just few hours before leaving office which clearly indicates that some thing fishy and some lucrative incentives are involved in this unlawful order. Rahul Yadav not even signed a single and simple GP Fund file on 16.08.2024 but issued such a controversial and ambiguous order, which creates seniority issues in JMC. The role and intentions of Krishan Lal, Joint Commissioner Administration needs to be investigated and ascertained in the instant matter who sends the proposal and drafted Order in just few hours. Krishan Lal , Joint Commission Administration is habitual of promoting and favoritism which also visible in his official working. One more example of this favourtism is re-instatement after suspension of Kuldeep Kumar I/C Enforcement Officer of JMC which also belongs to a special caste of Krishan Lal. In both the cases he takes personal interest and keep the files handy in a rapid action mode. The present Joint Commissioner Administration always creates hurdles and put lots and lots of queries in other general category officials but provided green signal to all the files of some special category officials. His working as Joint Commissioner Administration is completely biased and promoting nepotism and favoritism. Such kind of officers shall not be posted as the Head of the Administration where the fate of the all the employees is in their hands and they have the power to damage and destroy the carrier and promotion avenues of the deserving officials.
This order is being kept secret for months and not even a single copy was circulated to any of the officer mentioned in the order copies list. It must be done on the directions of the Joint Commissioner (Administration) because he is heading Establishment Section. This is the routine and historical working methodology of establishment section to keep the illegal and unconstitutional orders or files as secret and Establishmnet section of JMC never circulate such orders which are issued on the basis of some type of personal interest, favourtism or where lucrative incentives are involved. Since JMC is a Government Department and all their information is a public document but JMC never uploads any information, orders notices etc. on their official website and keep them secret with them, which is in contradiction to the J&K UT Governments vision of transparency, accountability and corruption free governance. Whereas, in other websites of J&K Government like GAD, Finance, J&K H&UDD etc all the relevant orders and notices etc. are always being published in public domain then why JMC hides all it’s Orders and Notices etc. New Commissioner of JMC Devansh Yadav who is in favour of transparency and positively puts everything in public domain must look into the hidden and secret type of working of establishment section (working under the directions of Joint Commissioner Administration) of JMC and set right the things by putting all the public documents in public domain.
It is requested to Commissioner Secretary, Housing & Urban Development Department and Chief Secretary to look into the matter personally, constitute an independent committee for enquiry into the matter, revoke the unconstitutional order, and forward the case to the Anti Corruption Bureau along with the recommendation of the committee. The hardworking and senior officials of JMC requested to revoke this order and treat this order as Null & void since it was issued by then Commissioner, JMC after his transfer because of giving undue favour to a official of particular caste and thereby giving loss and damage to the other senior officials in the seniority list and do the justice.
- Commercial construction reaches third floor on residential plot 250-C, Sector-2 Channi Himmat Zonal planned colony without maintaining setbacks completely contrary to residential approved site plan with no provision of windows, ventilators, cut out and JMC now serves owner notice under provision of section 253(1) JMC Act 2000 without mentioning actual violations like three floors commercial, extended galleries, iron stairs from backside and no internal walls partitions
- JMC stuns Channi Himmat by sealing Varmani Shopping Complex, Channi Himmat, Sector-2, Ward-50 on 30-12-2024 for violations to tune of 8053 sqft in basement+ground+3 floor excluding violated 4th floor of 2674 sqft correcting earlier violations of 1704 sqft and de-sealing Complex on 31-12-2024 for 20 days besides allowing its functioning since 2013 without depositing compounding fee Rs 127800 by owner as decided by J&K Special Tribunal dated 30-12-2013
- JMC enforcement staff after shaking hands with owner allows restart of three unauthorized big size commercial shops at residential plot 29-C, Shastri Nagar, Ward-22 which remained stopped for sometime after aggrieved locals opposed commercial construction and print media highlighted violated construction along with pictures dated 21-10-2024 making land use change without getting site plan approved from JMC which can’t be done plot being bifurcated
- JMC yet again makes mockery of notice under section 253 (1) JMC Act 2000 served to owner of residential plot 66/5 ,Ward-50 Channi Himmat wherein serves 48 hours ultimatum to owner to remove violations dated 14-10-2024 but without taking follow-up action against owner approves fresh site plan dated 28-11-2024 when existing violations were not removed by owner after giving written undertaking and further construction of two floors started
- JMC Building Section out of way sanctions stilt floor commercial parking stage-1st at commercial sites 3,4 and 5 in Sector-2 Ward-50 Channi Himmat and enforcement staff fails to take action against owners when differently approved site plans clubbed and raised joint construction of commercial halls as single unit without maintaining setbacks and not constructing new stilt floors commercial and in spite of violations in stage-1st construction JMC approved stage 2nd construction and at present stage-2nd construction going on from last 15 days with help of enforcement staff
- Commercial construction reaches third floor on residential plot 250-C, Sector-2 Channi Himmat Zonal planned colony without maintaining setbacks completely contrary to residential approved site plan with no provision of windows, ventilators, cut out but JMC yet to take action against owner despite highlighting violated construction in Print Media along with pictures and bringing same in notice of concerned enforcement staff deployed in Channi Himmat Zonal planned colony
- JMC Enforcement staff deputed in Channi Himmat Ward-50 allowing construction of commercial hall on residential plot 634/3 without maintaining setbacks, without partition of walls, windows, ventilators with stairs on front side and also with lift provision absolutely contrary to residential approved site plan doing huge injustice with those who have purchased commercial sites
- Existing violated structure on private land falling under Khasra No. 4 Min, Ward-51, Channi Himmat earlier sealed, site plan withdrawn, then restored without removing violations now undergoing complete renovation and conversion from sanctioned mixed use of both residential and commercial to full-fledged commercial halls on three floors measuring 10000 sqft each to run big size shopping mall without JMC permission but with help of enforcement staff deployed in Channi Himmat